"A natural climatic cycle, recently politicized, thus generating many popular myths and lies.

Thursday, March 5, 2009


Something happened from 800 AD through about 1300 AD. The world grew warmer. This period has become known as the Medieval Warm Period (MWP) Records are sketchy except in Europe as one might expect. Writing was not much in vogue over the rest of the planet during that time period. However, scientists have attempted to piece together temperature records from other sources. These include lake sediments, ice cores and tree rings.

Wikipedia cites records of warming in Europe but states that NOAA said this was confined to the north Atlantic region and Europe. However, then they cite many records to show that the phenomenom was worldwide. Examples include sediments in the Hudson Valley (U.S) which show a warm period from 800AD to 1300 AD; the Western U.S and Alaska showed evidence of droughts and warmer than normal temepratures from 850 AD to 1200AD; ice cores from Antartica showed that there was warming in the MWP but in certain regions only and not at others; equatorial East Africa was much drier from 1000 AD through 1270 AD; and, lake sediments in central Japan verified the existence of MWP there. How can they say it's wasn't worldwide and then cite evidence that it was indeed worldwide? As a footnote droughts are often associated with warmer than normal periods of weather. Elsewhere in this blog you will find green opinions that Sun spot caused warming actually causes more clouds and thus cools the planet. Above they cite the relationship between warming and droughts. The inconsistencies in statements by these 'man caused' global warming advocates would be hilarious if they didn't have the attention of so many politicians who have little or no scientific training and little or no (apparently) analytical and reasoning power. Show them a graph and they're yours forever. They'll never question the source data behind a graph or a pie chart. Give them a 'Power Point' presentation and they'll kill for you.

Read an interesting article on NOAA's position regarding the MWP. Note the contradictions in their statements.

MANY SCIENTISTS LABEL THESE THEORIES 'HORSE HOCKEY' There are numerous scientists who label NOAA's interpretation of the MWP as 'horse hockey". One of the most interesting I found is linked here. They represent that over the last 150 years global temperatures have increased by 1.5 degrees Celsius, only a small portion of which is an upward departure from 'normal'. Remember that during the first fifty years of that period we were recovering from the Little Ice Age. One of the scientists quoted in the article actually revised NOAA's Chart of Global Warming to what he believes is a more accurate representation. His theory and interpretation of the facts agrees with our analysis and revised chart as presented in the posting herein titled 'Problems with NOAA's Graph of Global Warming'. He also cites statements from 'Green' scientists (sic) who state that they need to 'get rid of' the MWP.

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