"A natural climatic cycle, recently politicized, thus generating many popular myths and lies.

Sunday, February 12, 2012


A few posts below you will find a piece on Climatic Cycle 25. NASA agrees that we are entering a period of low solar activity. This should bottom out by 2022 with cooling each year before then. The Global Warmers, of course, trying to minimize any information which makes their theories of global warming any less threatening, have announced that the impacts will be much less than during the same event which occured in the 1700s and which some believe triggered a period of cooling known as The Little Ice Age. They say that CO2 has increased so much that the effect will be dampened and little cooling will occur.

I can almost agree, for once with the Global Warmers on this. However, their analysis is so sketchy that one cannot tell why they believe this. Are they guessing? If so maybe we should all go to Vegas together and bet on their intuitions on a craps table or a little Black Jack, Vingt et Un for our French readers. Why do I say this?

The Little Ice Age lasted for around two hundred years, much longer than Climatic Cycle 25 and it began much earlier than that cycle did. As I posted elsewhere herein The Little Ice Age was triggered by a variety of causes.

1. The Plague, otherwise known as The Black Death, decimated populations in Europe from 1350 AD until 1450 AD. So many people died that there was a reforestation in Europe and England. Remember that back then there was little materials for homes other than trees or rocks. Trees being more abundent that rocks and easier for lay people to work with a large amount of trees had been cut and not replanted. Why not? Because people fed themselves in large part by growing gardens of their own. When they cut down trees for their homes they also created open space for farming. When the trees grew back CO2 was scrubbed from the air.

2. In the early 1500s there were around 60 million Aztecs and Mayas living in Central America and South America. When the Europeans came they carried swords and superior arms and a slaughter of those people began. They also carried microbes and strange diseases which finished the job that the swords and lances had started. Hundred of thousands of square miles of farmland were taken over by tropical jungles. This lush foliage scrubbed even more CO2 from the air and the air cooled.

Wow! I just wrote some facts which makes the Global Warmers seem to be right. Now for the rest of the facts.

Unlike the Global Warmers I believe that there will be significant cooling. Not another Ice Age but noticably cooler. There are other natural forces at work which will contribute to the cooling. Also remember that so called greenhouse gases may keep heat in but they also reflect radiation back into space not allowing it into our atmosphere. Recent studies by NASA show a net loss of radiation recently even though there was an increase in CO2.

A very good question and one which should be asked is "Why did the Little Ice Age end before the Age of Industrialization begin?" It ended in the early 1800s before serious pollution began, a fact even the Global Warmers admit. They don't want to talk about it because it doesn't fit their theory. Why did heating peak in the 1930s when man was busily increasing polution for decades after that?

Again this is not a religious website. However, I believe that God created a perfect habitat for Mankind. Sure there are variations as we see each year from season to season and historically from century to century. What a boring place it would be without those variations.

My two cents. Tal Leverett

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